Thursday, March 16, 2006

Utah Greens back on the ballot?

In a Press Release the Utah "Desert Greens" have announced that they have reached the required number of signatures and will appear on the fall ballot. There's more behind the "Read more!" link...

The existing Green Party in Utah, which placed Nader on their ballot line and left the national party, may be able to force a name change on the new party. Here in South Carolina, apparently like Utah, one political party may not have a name similar to another. Therefore we could not change our party name to "Green Independent" since there is already an "Independence" party, which Nader ran on here. Likewise we could not change our name to Green Democratic Party or Ecology/Liberty party because it could be confused with the Libertarian party.

If this happens, may I offer a humble suggestion? How about taking one of the names of one of the parties we combined with in other states.

Maybe the "Rainbow Party" in appreciation for our party members in Mass, or "D.C. Statehood" party...might be a stretch, but who knows? Might just resonate with folks in Utah...heck, I don't know.

All in all, congratulations to the fine folks in Utah who have worked so hard to make this a reality, and best of luck to them. I hope the name sticks. :-)
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