Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Steering Committee seems safe

Before leaving to swim with Democratic Party sharks, Steve Greenfield of New York presented articles of impeachment against several members of the national Steering Committee.

I can't for the life of me imagine that any other political party would tolerate such crap, especially since the instigator has left the building as it were, but to the party's credit (I suppose) these articles of impeachment went forward, and are being voted on by the National Committee as we speak..or at least, as you read this.

In a post a day or two ago I encouraged all members of the National Committee to vote early on the issue so we can put this silliness aside and get on with real business. It's not that I don't think that some of the Steering Committee are doing a less than stellar job. That will always be the case I would imagine. I just don't understand the double standard that says that we should only demand performance from folks in one set of circumstances and not in another. Why was Badilli Jones allowed to remain on the Steering Committee for almost a year without attending even telephone conference calls of the Steering Committee?

And why, in my home state of South Carolina, is the state party willing to ignore almost in it's entirety the rules, regulations and by laws established by the state party? Our by-laws call for regular meetings, with notice, of the State Steering Committee and reports of the minutes of these meetings. It hasn't happened for better than four years, and to date, the state Steering Committee remains short one member since the last state convention.

In other words, my state steering committee is ignoring it's own rules. I kinda doubt that my state is alone here.

So, this National Steering Committee impeachment seems headed for defeat. Can't happen too soon for me. We have work to do, so let's do it. If the Steering Committee in your state or at the national level is standing in your way, push them aside and get on with business. Do not let anyone stop you from getting the work of building a Green society accomplished. Small minded people will always set up fifedoms and realms they believe they control. Your job is to ignore blowhards and time wasters and get your goals accomplished.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Nothing more to read, so don't bother hitting the "Read more!" link.
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