Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Ohio Greens SNAP into line

The Ohio Greens issued a press release supporting SNAP, Solidarity Network of those Abused by Priests in their efforts to pass Senate Bill 17, which , according to the press release,

"1) Lengthen(s) Ohio's statute of limitations to bring civil action on most sexual crimes from the current limit of 2 years to 20 years. This is of utmost importance, considering many abuse survivors are not are not emotionally capable of seeking justice in the small time frame that the current law allows them to do so.

2) Reopens all cases where that statute has expired for an additional year, making this ordinance retroactive. This will help protect others, namely children, by exposing past rapists and abusers in the courts, thereby making them subject to the Ohio sex offender registry requirements.

3) Add(s) religious clergy of all faiths to the list of mandated child abuse reporters under Ohio law. This means that the Catholic cover up of their abusive priests will never be tolerated again.

The Home School Legal Defense Association has apparently already had their input into the process, saying that their concerns have been dealt with, and they stand "neutral" on this bill. Hmmm....if you are a home schooler, perhaps the Home School Legal Defense Association should hear that neutral is not a position home schooling parents would want to take when it comes to protecting children.

They could follow the Green Party's lead and endorse and actively support this valuable legislation. If you think so, they have a fax number. It's 540) 338-2733 If you prefer to share your thoughts via email, their email address is info@hslda.org.

Lots of Greens home school, and all Greens support protecting children from predators, in or out of a collar.
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