Monday, April 17, 2006

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, it's been almost two weeks since I have done anything that can reasonably be called "regular blogging", but since I have little time and less money, I appreciate all of you who have put up with too infrequent an update schedule. The good news is, I hope to be able to get myself on firmer financial ground soon, and if I am successful in that I should have a better attitude and that should translate into a more useful blog.

I'm also thinking about how to do this. I have said on many occasions, and believe firmly, that we Greens must be willing and able to turn on a dime. I don't mean that we should change positions or philosophies as the spirit moves us, but that we must use whatever advantages we do have to make our success more likely. The metaphor I use most often is that we are like a speed boat, and the Corporate Parties are super-tankers. We will never be able to carry water (or oil) for the rich, but we will be better able to make quick course changes. We must use our flexibility.

Since it's inception I have tried to design a blog that will be both worth your time and entertaining too. I am sure I fall shorter on the entertaining side of things because I don't have a skill at entertaining. I am sure others can do a better job of covering the actual news than I do, but so far I haven't felt that this blog was unnecessary or a waste of my time. I like doing it and I believe that it serves a purpose.

I have tried to blog using a set schedule early on. I tried to use one set up, and then another as I tried to "get it right". I guess I'm going to try to do so yet again. Here's my current plan.

I am going to change the set-up so that there are seven days worth of posts up at any time. That means that links to every piece written that week will be on the "front page" at any given time. This will allow all my weekly visitors to see all the info in the "teasers" without having to go into the archives.

I also plan to change my daily blogging. The results of those changes will be apparent beginning with today. Enjoy, and please write me, either by leaving a comment here or by writing me at my Yahoo! address above, and give me the benefit of your input. I really do want this to be a success, and for it to help you to be more successful in your Green organizing.

Nothing behind the "Read more!" link on this one.

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