Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I figured that I should just put some links up instead of a full piece on each.

One of the globe's gentlest and smartest satirists is dying, and living oh so much. Art Buchwald refuses dialysis treatments, and continues to make me laugh.

A couple in Pasadena, CA are in court, looking to get married. The court may rule that they have a Constitutional right marry. The hopeful couple, both 46, are objecting to a ruling last year that said that the state has a valid interest in procreation, and as such can ban gay marriage.

Who's next? Heteros who don't want kids? This is so stupid. If folks want to marry, let 'em for goodness sakes.

Greens in Wisconsin were a major moving force behind a vote across the state to give the people's verdict on the War on Iraq. The verdict? In 24 of 32 communities the voters called for immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Take a look at the AP story by Emily Fredrix. It makes absolutely no mention of the Green Party, but does take the time to find a political scientist to poo-poo citizen participation in the process. Guess we should all just give up and let the Poly Sci majors run the world, eh?

If anyone can find Ms. Fredrix e-mail address, I'll gladly post it here, and maybe some of us will write polite letters to her explaining that it's not nice to ignore people's hard work and effort to control their government. Seems fair to me.
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Great piece, especially the story on Buchwald. I'll link to your post this evening in my own nightly post.

I had a close first cousin in TN pass away this week at 50. People should think about what is truly important when they wake up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror.
Thanks a bunch Colonel. I agree with your assesment of priorities too. My granddaughters are three and one. My daughters are 19 and 22. My wife and I have been married 25 years. These five girls/women are my reason for doing this stuff. I see the love and kindness in them and know humanity can have a bright future, but only if we try really hard. It's easier to try hard when, as you said, you know what is really important.
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