Sunday, March 12, 2006


I gather that the word "Logos" can be translated to mean something like "Word of the Lord" A logo is supposed to carry a fundamental message about the idea behind the logo. The ATT logo indicates world-wide coverage, as does the Sherwin Williams "Covers the World" slogan. The Pepsi logo and the Coca Cola logo also imply world-wide coverage.

Some sports logos indicate action, like the Nike swoosh or Major League Soccer's foot kicking a soccer ball.

Some logos suggest unity, as in the Olympics or the logo used by the Greens in the Bronx.

I have written and believe that the decision of the Green National Committee will only serve to make our logo more irrelevant. Take a look at the words "logo" and "Green Party" on Google using the "images" button and you'll see that the current USGP logo doesn't even show up until you hit the fifteenth page, and even then the link is to a page for the Pima Greens website. It's hard to believe, given this, that the USGP logo is over-exposed.

In fact, logos that lost in the party's logo contest appear before the winning logo!

With all this in mind, I have an idea. I propose that anyone who has a logo they already use, or anyone who wants to create a new logo, submit it here to be stored and available for everyone to use. I will copy and paste the logos to a page here, with a statement as to how they can be used. To see how the logos will be available for use, see this link.

No submissions will be posted unless they are available without restriction to anyone who wants to use them.

So...if your chapter already has a logo you believe to represent the Green Party in a positive light, send it to me by dropping me a note and I will post it to a page so others can use it to grow the party.
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