Friday, April 13, 2007

Is IL 10th district to be a hot spot?

A comment at "Prairie State Blue says that David Kalbfleisch has filed candidacy paperwork to run for that seat as a Green. Without having to turn resources to ballot access, Kalbfleisch could be a major player in the election. In 2006 the challenger got 47% of the vote, and both seem cranked up for a fight. Rove has targeted the race.

Democrats and Greens should be talking about how to promote democracy and the defeat of the Republican challenge, but the Democratic Party's pay-masters would never permit such a thing.

Be a bulldog David.
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I'm going to give it my best shot.

I'm not going to outspend my opponents. In fact, I probably won't come anywhere close. I already know that. What I really need is an unprecendented number of volunteers to help spread my message. If you live in or close to the 10th district, and you desire real progress, please consider volunteering.

Thank you.
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