Sunday, January 22, 2006
A Bit More on the Co-Chair Race
First off, this will be the first audio-post that matches the written post in most ways. Hopefully it will point out how I can best use these features.
Four people have been nominated for the last co-chair seat. One, Kristen Olsen of Minnesota, was nominated by James DeBoer of Rhode Island. She declined the nomination. A second, Jason Nabewaniec of New York, was nominated by Greg Gerritt, also of Rhode Island. He has not accepted nor declined, and has until January 29 at 5 PM Pacific Time to accept.
Two others, Matt Abel of Michigan and Budd Dickinson of California, have accepted the nomination. Abel was nominated by Pat LaMarche of Maine, and Dickinson was nominated by Dee Barry of Missouri.
By hitting the "Read more!" link below you will find statements from/about all three. I won't read those statements into the audio. You will also find a link to a page which lists your state's delegates. These are the people who will vote on who gets to run our party. Write or call your delegate. Tell them who you think should be co-chair. Tell them who you want them to vote for, and demand that they vote. Any delegate to the National Committee who doesn't vote in this election doesn't deserve a seat on that body.
Anyway, click "Read more" to get the rest of the story.If I knew how to do so I would rotate these candidate's pages, or put internal links so you could click on a name and go directly to their bio, but I don't know how. This is important though, so read what they have to say, then have your say Click here to find out who your state's delegates are, and how to contact them.
Now, direct from the National Committee webpage the information about the three candidates in the running. I put their details in the reverse of the way they are posted at the party wesbite...just for fun. *G*
Budd Dickinson, CA
I was a founder of the US Green Party and the CA GP. I was a delegate to the first 5 annual national Greens conferences, 1987-92. I have been an active member of the GPUS Platform Committee for 6 years and was Co-chair for 2 years. I am also a member of the GPUS Personnel Committee.
I was a full-time volunteer for Mark Satin's New World Alliance in 1980. (Mark later wrote the 10 Key Values.) I was the founder of the San Francisco Greens in 1985; helped to organize the Greening of the West Conference in 1988, and was one of the founders of the California Green Party in 1991. I was an elected member of the Alameda County GP County Council, 1992-94, 1996-2003. I was the coordinator of the CA GP Platform Committee from 1997 to 2001; a member of the CA GP Coordinating Committee, 2001-3; and treasurer of the Hamburg/Amir Campaign for Governor and Lt. Governor of CA in 1998.
I have extensive election campaign experience. I was the coordinator for Newark, New Jersey, for the 1972 McGovern for President Campaign. I worked in several Berkeley City Council and mayoral campaigns; and was a candidate for Berkeley City Council in 1998, receiving almost 40% of the vote.
I was involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's and am a Life Member of the NAACP. I helped elect the first black mayor of a major eastern city, Newark, NJ, in 1970. In 1972, I got a Master of Public Administration from New York University. In 1974, I moved to CA; got an MA in Psychology (Humanistic) at Sonoma State University; and interned with Assemblymember John Vasconcellos' Self Determination Network. My master's thesis was on Humanistic Politics. I was involved in the Anti-Nuclear Movement and the Pro-feminist Men's Movement in the 1980s. I identify as bisexual.
I work as an Energy Conservation Engineer and have 25 years of work experience in government or semi-public agencies. I was on the Berkeley Energy Commission for 10 years. I live in Eureka, CA, now amongst the beautiful giant redwoods. They are teaching me about endurance.
I am the only candidate in this election from west of the Mississippi River. Jody Haug is currently the only SC Co-chair from those 22 states. Also, I should say that Jody and I have been spending time together for the last several months. Relationships develop slowly when you are in your 60Âs. I am 63 and Jody just turned 70. I have witnessed JodyÂs hard work first hand and despite the pain I have seen her experience, I am still willing to be on the SC.
I am very disturbed by the conflict over this election. I am looking for a style of politics, based on love instead of anger. Understanding and compassion; not angry confrontation. I am not opposed to confrontation, but I am opposed to angry confrontation. I am not opposed to anger either, but when anger comes from love it creates constructive confrontation. When someone shouts at me in anger and does not pause to let me respond, I can hear only the anger and not the content of what they are saying. I cannot respond constructively, only react with flight or fight.
Concerning GDI, I signed a statement that appeared on the GDI website. It began, ÂThe Greens for Democracy and Independence (GDI) proposals are not about the 2004 election or the presidential candidacies of David Cobb or Ralph Nader. I am hoping that is true and most of us have gotten past 2004. But I would like to emphasize the 4th paragraph, ÂAnd together, we continue to stand for more democratic representation within our party and the right and duty of our party to act as an independent political force in ways that may threaten the two corporate parties. And the closing sentence, ÂWhat we have in common as people of principle, and members of a political party which promotes those principles, is far more important than what we disagreed about in 2004.Â
Matt Abel, MI
Partial Biography of Matthew R. Abel
Matthew Abel, a lawyer since 1986, champions those accused of violating
various federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations and
ordinances, and continues to argue that many of them are
unconstitutional. He also dabbles in public interest and election law.
In the Representative Assembly, Abel introduced resolutions creating a
State Bar of Michigan policy supporting public financing of Judicial
elections, and mandating that the bar hold a public forum for Michigan
Supreme Court candidates each campaign season.
A recidivist member of the Representative Assembly, Mr. Abel
unsuccessfully advanced a proposal to remove the assignment of counsel
authority from Judges., but heÂs still trying.
Abel is a member of the Green Party of Michigan State Central
Committee. and also serves on the Green National Committee.
He is active in the LawyerÂs Guild, ACLU, Drug Policy Forum of
Michigan, and the NORML Legal Committee.
J.D. , WSU
Master in Public Administration, CMU
Bachelor in Philosophy, CMU
Associate in Criminal Justice, Castleton State College
Author of June 1996 Michigan Bar Journal article titled "The Michigan
Information Network, Will West Go South?"
Past President of Livonia Bar Association.
Eagle Scout.
My political history is available at
Abel, Matthew R. Â of Livonia, Wayne County, Mich.; West Bloomfield,
Oakland County, Mich. Democratic candidate for Michigan state house of
representatives, 1986, 1996 (primary); candidate for justice of
Michigan state supreme court, 1998; Green candidate for U.S. Senator
from Michigan, 2000. Still living as of 2000.
I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1958 (I'm 47) Lived there 7 years.
Eugene, Oregon for 5 years.
Fair Haven then Castleton, Vermont 5 years.
Mount Pleasant, then Detroit area.
Moved to Detroit to take a job as Community Development Specialist with
U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI). One year.
Attended Wayne State University Law School, Detroit
General practice of law for 10 years, now primary litigation is as
criminal defense attorney. 20th year of practice.
My goal is election to the U.S. House (the Senate would be good, too)!
Now, is there still any reason not to vote for Budd?
Matt Abel
counselor at large
Jason Nabewaniec, NY
Jason Nabewaniec, 28, lives with his wife Misty and their turtle Cassidy in
Brighton, NY, a suburb of Rochester. Jason hopes to focus on three areas in
2006: Caucus Empowerment, Committee Transparency, and Improved
Communications. Jason has voted for every Green Party candidate appearing on
his ballot since first registering to vote in 1996.
You can contact Jason with any questions:
1372 Monroe Ave #20
Rochester, NY 14618
J_Nabs at
1. Caucus Empowerment
I would like to work with the caucuses to improve the advocacy of every
caucus. I feel that each caucus should put out a statement on every
proposal on how that proposal affects the issues and the people of their
caucus. The caucuses are designed to improve the voice of those individuals
with in the structure of our National Committee, I donÂt think one vote
really does that, I donÂt think SC and NC members are getting enough
feedback from the caucuses.
-Each proposal could have a link to the caucuses opinions on the proposal.
-The votes page could be rearranged so that the caucuses votes all appear
before the states.
2. Committee Transparency
Recognizing that most of the progress made but the NC is through the efforts
of the committees, I would like to encourage committees to regular update
the GNC on the projects they are working on. I think it would be the most
convenient if updates could be post to a web page so delegates could review
the updates as needed.
I would also like to see updates on committee contacts to improve the
ability of Greens to volunteer or submit ideas to these committees.
Information regarding committee elections, bylaws, meetings, and structure
should also be posted.
As an SC member I would like to help committees improve there communication
with the NC, and help to ensure all committees are holding regular
3. Improved Communications
As an SC member I would like to encourage more NC members to participate in
open respectful communications with each other. I applaud the recent
efforts of fellow NC members in instituting a GNC chat room. I am
encouraged by the number of phone calls I have received in the last 2 weeks
by fellow GNC members. It is amazing how much farther we can bring are
understanding of each other through personal communication.
I am similarly encouraged by the draft proposal that the BRPP committee has
been constructing for the past year to incorporate consensus voting into the
GNCÂs structure. I hope that consensus building and consensuses voting can
be the focal point of 2006 on the GNC.
I hope to be able to use the SC position as a position of symbolic
leadership in being a steward of respectful communication with our
colleagues on the GNC.
I would also like to encourage SC members to continue to add a brief comment
on why they voted as they did in SC meetings. I have found this insight to
be very helpful in understanding the issues and discussions at hand. I have
found the weekly updates from the SC very informative and I hope they can
continue in a clear manner illuminating all opinions.
Green Party of the United States
December 2004 - Present
Green National Delegate from New York, representing Region 6 Â Western New
 Merchandise Committee.
 Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee.
Green Party of Monroe County
November 2000 - Present
 July 2004  January 2006.
 Conduct monthly public meetings.
 Conduct monthly steering committee meetings.
 Balanced action and outreach with electoral efforts.
 Opening speaker for David Cobb on a Presidential campaign speech.
 Opening speaker for Ralph Nader on a Presidential campaign speech.
 2006 Labor Day Parade Marshal.
 January 2004 - July 2004, January 2006  Present.
 Rome Celli became the first publicly elected Green in Monroe County.
Steering Committee Member
 November 2002  Present.
 Focused on coalition building, and improving public imagine.
 Key issues: poverty, education, racism, youth violence, smart growth,
antiwar, labor rights,
community policing, same-sex marriages, electoral reform, support for
the arts.
Committee to Elect Chris Hilderbant
Green Party - Monroe County Legislature
Political Advisor
November 2004 Â November 2005
 Candidate earned 15% of the vote in his first election, in a three way
 Candidate earned unprecedented support in volunteers donors and
Committee to Elect David Atias
Green Party - Commissioner of Schools, City of Rochester
Campaign Advisor
November 2002 Â November 2004
 Only candidate in race to offer a full platform.
 Increased public pressure on the Rochester City School District to
reorganize the budget.
 Increased awareness of alternative education options and the hard of
standardized testing.
Committee to Elect Jason Crane
Green Party - Rochester City Council
Campaign Staff
June 2003 Â November 2003
 Candidate earned 19% of the vote in his first election, running against 19
year incumbent.
 Candidate raised issues of poverty and economic disparity.
Rochester Votes
Political Advisor  Steering Committee Member, Founding Member
January 2004 Â November 2004
 Door to door non-partisan voter registration in 54 of RochesterÂs most
disenfranchised neighborhoods.
 Registered over 1000 voters.
Rochester Voters Alliance
Political Advisor  Steering Committee Member
January 2004 Â Present
 Non-partisan coalition of 30 community organizations dedicated to
electoral empowerment of traditionally disenfranchised people.
 Registered 4000 voters, 3500 first time voters.
 Hosted four candidate forums in impoverished neighborhoods.
 Lobbied County Legislature on the needs of the poor.
Every Votes Counts / Monroe
Steering Committee Member
October 2005 - Present
 Citizen task force formed to advise Board of Elections on the selection of
new voting machines to meet HAVA guidelines for 2006.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY September 2004 - Present
Masters of Science, Environmental Health and Safety Management
 GPA 3.46 - 52 Credits.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Graduated May 2001
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Technology
 ASCE student chapter member, 2000-2001.
 Concrete Canoe Design Team, 2000-2001, 2001 Co-Captain.
 Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field teams, 1999-2001.
 Varsity Lacrosse Team, 1998-1999.
 Engineer in Training
 AWWA Grade D Operators license upon employment in the water industry
 40- Hour HazWOper Certification
 American Water Works Association
City of Rochester, Department of Environmental Services June 2004 Â October
Pavement Assessor
 Inspected, and assessed pavement conditions of approximately 70% of the
City of Rochester's roadways.
 Inspected all current and former crossings of railroad track with City of
Rochester roadways.
Monroe County Water Authority, Engineering Department June 2001 - September
Project Engineer
 Designed, independently, all aspects of water distribution projects,
including: Water main replacement, cleaning and cement mortar lining, meter
vault replacement and tank overflow drainage.
 Led surveying and stakeout projects, employing a total station and
M-scope, in preparation for site work.
 Developed Hydraulic Calculations spreadsheet, reducing calculation
dependent lead-time by 67%.
 Prepared budget estimates for projects ranging from $20,000 to $2 million.
 Awarded responsibility for obtaining permits and easements necessary for
project completion.
 Utilized Auto CAD 2002 for design projects and survey layout.
 Appointed lead inspector on cement mortar lining project.
Monroe County Water Authority, Engineering Department May 2000 Â November
Water Treatment Project Engineer
 Completed independent redesign, construction, operation, sampling and
testing of a pilot water treatment plant.
 Conducted continuous renovation of the pilot system to fit current testing
needs. Studies were done on media depth, pre-oxidants, and coagulants with
water quality data collected throughout the pilot plant.
 The pilot plant project was part of the renovations initiative conducted
at the Shoremont Water Treatment Plant, a direct filtration, 150 MGD surface
water treatment facility located on Lake Ontario in Rochester, NY.
 Completed Auto CAD draft assignments for different projects within the
distribution system.
 Attained field inspector position for a water main replacement project.
 Collected filter media samples at the Shoremont Water Treatment Plant.
 Created flow distribution spreadsheets, using Microsoft Excel,
contributing to emergency disaster plan preparation.
 Assisted design engineer on a residential water main replacement project
from design up to the construction phase.
 Compiled historical data using Microsoft Excel for future analysis.
 Conducted surveying for water main replacement and connection projects.
 Prepared preliminary design and cost estimates.
A final note: Thank You to all three, and to Kristen Olsen and Tom Svigney (sp?) and all the current and former active members of the Steering Committee. I have not always supported all of these people, and some I believe did the party great harm, but no matter what the outcome I know that serving on a committee is hard and unappreciated. I appreciate it, and so do a lot of others.
Four people have been nominated for the last co-chair seat. One, Kristen Olsen of Minnesota, was nominated by James DeBoer of Rhode Island. She declined the nomination. A second, Jason Nabewaniec of New York, was nominated by Greg Gerritt, also of Rhode Island. He has not accepted nor declined, and has until January 29 at 5 PM Pacific Time to accept.
Two others, Matt Abel of Michigan and Budd Dickinson of California, have accepted the nomination. Abel was nominated by Pat LaMarche of Maine, and Dickinson was nominated by Dee Barry of Missouri.
By hitting the "Read more!" link below you will find statements from/about all three. I won't read those statements into the audio. You will also find a link to a page which lists your state's delegates. These are the people who will vote on who gets to run our party. Write or call your delegate. Tell them who you think should be co-chair. Tell them who you want them to vote for, and demand that they vote. Any delegate to the National Committee who doesn't vote in this election doesn't deserve a seat on that body.
Anyway, click "Read more" to get the rest of the story.If I knew how to do so I would rotate these candidate's pages, or put internal links so you could click on a name and go directly to their bio, but I don't know how. This is important though, so read what they have to say, then have your say Click here to find out who your state's delegates are, and how to contact them.
Now, direct from the National Committee webpage the information about the three candidates in the running. I put their details in the reverse of the way they are posted at the party wesbite...just for fun. *G*
Budd Dickinson, CA
I was a founder of the US Green Party and the CA GP. I was a delegate to the first 5 annual national Greens conferences, 1987-92. I have been an active member of the GPUS Platform Committee for 6 years and was Co-chair for 2 years. I am also a member of the GPUS Personnel Committee.
I was a full-time volunteer for Mark Satin's New World Alliance in 1980. (Mark later wrote the 10 Key Values.) I was the founder of the San Francisco Greens in 1985; helped to organize the Greening of the West Conference in 1988, and was one of the founders of the California Green Party in 1991. I was an elected member of the Alameda County GP County Council, 1992-94, 1996-2003. I was the coordinator of the CA GP Platform Committee from 1997 to 2001; a member of the CA GP Coordinating Committee, 2001-3; and treasurer of the Hamburg/Amir Campaign for Governor and Lt. Governor of CA in 1998.
I have extensive election campaign experience. I was the coordinator for Newark, New Jersey, for the 1972 McGovern for President Campaign. I worked in several Berkeley City Council and mayoral campaigns; and was a candidate for Berkeley City Council in 1998, receiving almost 40% of the vote.
I was involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's and am a Life Member of the NAACP. I helped elect the first black mayor of a major eastern city, Newark, NJ, in 1970. In 1972, I got a Master of Public Administration from New York University. In 1974, I moved to CA; got an MA in Psychology (Humanistic) at Sonoma State University; and interned with Assemblymember John Vasconcellos' Self Determination Network. My master's thesis was on Humanistic Politics. I was involved in the Anti-Nuclear Movement and the Pro-feminist Men's Movement in the 1980s. I identify as bisexual.
I work as an Energy Conservation Engineer and have 25 years of work experience in government or semi-public agencies. I was on the Berkeley Energy Commission for 10 years. I live in Eureka, CA, now amongst the beautiful giant redwoods. They are teaching me about endurance.
I am the only candidate in this election from west of the Mississippi River. Jody Haug is currently the only SC Co-chair from those 22 states. Also, I should say that Jody and I have been spending time together for the last several months. Relationships develop slowly when you are in your 60Âs. I am 63 and Jody just turned 70. I have witnessed JodyÂs hard work first hand and despite the pain I have seen her experience, I am still willing to be on the SC.
I am very disturbed by the conflict over this election. I am looking for a style of politics, based on love instead of anger. Understanding and compassion; not angry confrontation. I am not opposed to confrontation, but I am opposed to angry confrontation. I am not opposed to anger either, but when anger comes from love it creates constructive confrontation. When someone shouts at me in anger and does not pause to let me respond, I can hear only the anger and not the content of what they are saying. I cannot respond constructively, only react with flight or fight.
Concerning GDI, I signed a statement that appeared on the GDI website. It began, ÂThe Greens for Democracy and Independence (GDI) proposals are not about the 2004 election or the presidential candidacies of David Cobb or Ralph Nader. I am hoping that is true and most of us have gotten past 2004. But I would like to emphasize the 4th paragraph, ÂAnd together, we continue to stand for more democratic representation within our party and the right and duty of our party to act as an independent political force in ways that may threaten the two corporate parties. And the closing sentence, ÂWhat we have in common as people of principle, and members of a political party which promotes those principles, is far more important than what we disagreed about in 2004.Â
Matt Abel, MI
Partial Biography of Matthew R. Abel
Matthew Abel, a lawyer since 1986, champions those accused of violating
various federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations and
ordinances, and continues to argue that many of them are
unconstitutional. He also dabbles in public interest and election law.
In the Representative Assembly, Abel introduced resolutions creating a
State Bar of Michigan policy supporting public financing of Judicial
elections, and mandating that the bar hold a public forum for Michigan
Supreme Court candidates each campaign season.
A recidivist member of the Representative Assembly, Mr. Abel
unsuccessfully advanced a proposal to remove the assignment of counsel
authority from Judges., but heÂs still trying.
Abel is a member of the Green Party of Michigan State Central
Committee. and also serves on the Green National Committee.
He is active in the LawyerÂs Guild, ACLU, Drug Policy Forum of
Michigan, and the NORML Legal Committee.
J.D. , WSU
Master in Public Administration, CMU
Bachelor in Philosophy, CMU
Associate in Criminal Justice, Castleton State College
Author of June 1996 Michigan Bar Journal article titled "The Michigan
Information Network, Will West Go South?"
Past President of Livonia Bar Association.
Eagle Scout.
My political history is available at
Abel, Matthew R. Â of Livonia, Wayne County, Mich.; West Bloomfield,
Oakland County, Mich. Democratic candidate for Michigan state house of
representatives, 1986, 1996 (primary); candidate for justice of
Michigan state supreme court, 1998; Green candidate for U.S. Senator
from Michigan, 2000. Still living as of 2000.
I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1958 (I'm 47) Lived there 7 years.
Eugene, Oregon for 5 years.
Fair Haven then Castleton, Vermont 5 years.
Mount Pleasant, then Detroit area.
Moved to Detroit to take a job as Community Development Specialist with
U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI). One year.
Attended Wayne State University Law School, Detroit
General practice of law for 10 years, now primary litigation is as
criminal defense attorney. 20th year of practice.
My goal is election to the U.S. House (the Senate would be good, too)!
Now, is there still any reason not to vote for Budd?
Matt Abel
counselor at large
Jason Nabewaniec, NY
Jason Nabewaniec, 28, lives with his wife Misty and their turtle Cassidy in
Brighton, NY, a suburb of Rochester. Jason hopes to focus on three areas in
2006: Caucus Empowerment, Committee Transparency, and Improved
Communications. Jason has voted for every Green Party candidate appearing on
his ballot since first registering to vote in 1996.
You can contact Jason with any questions:
1372 Monroe Ave #20
Rochester, NY 14618
J_Nabs at
1. Caucus Empowerment
I would like to work with the caucuses to improve the advocacy of every
caucus. I feel that each caucus should put out a statement on every
proposal on how that proposal affects the issues and the people of their
caucus. The caucuses are designed to improve the voice of those individuals
with in the structure of our National Committee, I donÂt think one vote
really does that, I donÂt think SC and NC members are getting enough
feedback from the caucuses.
-Each proposal could have a link to the caucuses opinions on the proposal.
-The votes page could be rearranged so that the caucuses votes all appear
before the states.
2. Committee Transparency
Recognizing that most of the progress made but the NC is through the efforts
of the committees, I would like to encourage committees to regular update
the GNC on the projects they are working on. I think it would be the most
convenient if updates could be post to a web page so delegates could review
the updates as needed.
I would also like to see updates on committee contacts to improve the
ability of Greens to volunteer or submit ideas to these committees.
Information regarding committee elections, bylaws, meetings, and structure
should also be posted.
As an SC member I would like to help committees improve there communication
with the NC, and help to ensure all committees are holding regular
3. Improved Communications
As an SC member I would like to encourage more NC members to participate in
open respectful communications with each other. I applaud the recent
efforts of fellow NC members in instituting a GNC chat room. I am
encouraged by the number of phone calls I have received in the last 2 weeks
by fellow GNC members. It is amazing how much farther we can bring are
understanding of each other through personal communication.
I am similarly encouraged by the draft proposal that the BRPP committee has
been constructing for the past year to incorporate consensus voting into the
GNCÂs structure. I hope that consensus building and consensuses voting can
be the focal point of 2006 on the GNC.
I hope to be able to use the SC position as a position of symbolic
leadership in being a steward of respectful communication with our
colleagues on the GNC.
I would also like to encourage SC members to continue to add a brief comment
on why they voted as they did in SC meetings. I have found this insight to
be very helpful in understanding the issues and discussions at hand. I have
found the weekly updates from the SC very informative and I hope they can
continue in a clear manner illuminating all opinions.
Green Party of the United States
December 2004 - Present
Green National Delegate from New York, representing Region 6 Â Western New
 Merchandise Committee.
 Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee.
Green Party of Monroe County
November 2000 - Present
 July 2004  January 2006.
 Conduct monthly public meetings.
 Conduct monthly steering committee meetings.
 Balanced action and outreach with electoral efforts.
 Opening speaker for David Cobb on a Presidential campaign speech.
 Opening speaker for Ralph Nader on a Presidential campaign speech.
 2006 Labor Day Parade Marshal.
 January 2004 - July 2004, January 2006  Present.
 Rome Celli became the first publicly elected Green in Monroe County.
Steering Committee Member
 November 2002  Present.
 Focused on coalition building, and improving public imagine.
 Key issues: poverty, education, racism, youth violence, smart growth,
antiwar, labor rights,
community policing, same-sex marriages, electoral reform, support for
the arts.
Committee to Elect Chris Hilderbant
Green Party - Monroe County Legislature
Political Advisor
November 2004 Â November 2005
 Candidate earned 15% of the vote in his first election, in a three way
 Candidate earned unprecedented support in volunteers donors and
Committee to Elect David Atias
Green Party - Commissioner of Schools, City of Rochester
Campaign Advisor
November 2002 Â November 2004
 Only candidate in race to offer a full platform.
 Increased public pressure on the Rochester City School District to
reorganize the budget.
 Increased awareness of alternative education options and the hard of
standardized testing.
Committee to Elect Jason Crane
Green Party - Rochester City Council
Campaign Staff
June 2003 Â November 2003
 Candidate earned 19% of the vote in his first election, running against 19
year incumbent.
 Candidate raised issues of poverty and economic disparity.
Rochester Votes
Political Advisor  Steering Committee Member, Founding Member
January 2004 Â November 2004
 Door to door non-partisan voter registration in 54 of RochesterÂs most
disenfranchised neighborhoods.
 Registered over 1000 voters.
Rochester Voters Alliance
Political Advisor  Steering Committee Member
January 2004 Â Present
 Non-partisan coalition of 30 community organizations dedicated to
electoral empowerment of traditionally disenfranchised people.
 Registered 4000 voters, 3500 first time voters.
 Hosted four candidate forums in impoverished neighborhoods.
 Lobbied County Legislature on the needs of the poor.
Every Votes Counts / Monroe
Steering Committee Member
October 2005 - Present
 Citizen task force formed to advise Board of Elections on the selection of
new voting machines to meet HAVA guidelines for 2006.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY September 2004 - Present
Masters of Science, Environmental Health and Safety Management
 GPA 3.46 - 52 Credits.
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Graduated May 2001
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Technology
 ASCE student chapter member, 2000-2001.
 Concrete Canoe Design Team, 2000-2001, 2001 Co-Captain.
 Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field teams, 1999-2001.
 Varsity Lacrosse Team, 1998-1999.
 Engineer in Training
 AWWA Grade D Operators license upon employment in the water industry
 40- Hour HazWOper Certification
 American Water Works Association
City of Rochester, Department of Environmental Services June 2004 Â October
Pavement Assessor
 Inspected, and assessed pavement conditions of approximately 70% of the
City of Rochester's roadways.
 Inspected all current and former crossings of railroad track with City of
Rochester roadways.
Monroe County Water Authority, Engineering Department June 2001 - September
Project Engineer
 Designed, independently, all aspects of water distribution projects,
including: Water main replacement, cleaning and cement mortar lining, meter
vault replacement and tank overflow drainage.
 Led surveying and stakeout projects, employing a total station and
M-scope, in preparation for site work.
 Developed Hydraulic Calculations spreadsheet, reducing calculation
dependent lead-time by 67%.
 Prepared budget estimates for projects ranging from $20,000 to $2 million.
 Awarded responsibility for obtaining permits and easements necessary for
project completion.
 Utilized Auto CAD 2002 for design projects and survey layout.
 Appointed lead inspector on cement mortar lining project.
Monroe County Water Authority, Engineering Department May 2000 Â November
Water Treatment Project Engineer
 Completed independent redesign, construction, operation, sampling and
testing of a pilot water treatment plant.
 Conducted continuous renovation of the pilot system to fit current testing
needs. Studies were done on media depth, pre-oxidants, and coagulants with
water quality data collected throughout the pilot plant.
 The pilot plant project was part of the renovations initiative conducted
at the Shoremont Water Treatment Plant, a direct filtration, 150 MGD surface
water treatment facility located on Lake Ontario in Rochester, NY.
 Completed Auto CAD draft assignments for different projects within the
distribution system.
 Attained field inspector position for a water main replacement project.
 Collected filter media samples at the Shoremont Water Treatment Plant.
 Created flow distribution spreadsheets, using Microsoft Excel,
contributing to emergency disaster plan preparation.
 Assisted design engineer on a residential water main replacement project
from design up to the construction phase.
 Compiled historical data using Microsoft Excel for future analysis.
 Conducted surveying for water main replacement and connection projects.
 Prepared preliminary design and cost estimates.
A final note: Thank You to all three, and to Kristen Olsen and Tom Svigney (sp?) and all the current and former active members of the Steering Committee. I have not always supported all of these people, and some I believe did the party great harm, but no matter what the outcome I know that serving on a committee is hard and unappreciated. I appreciate it, and so do a lot of others.
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Gregg, I can't echo that enough. Please contact your leaders and let us know how you feel. We're here to serve you and listen to your concerns. Any Marylanders may contact Ginny Rodino or myself and let us know how you feel about the candidates.
I try to believe that you are sincere, and not consciously set up by the clique that controls are party to help them disseminate propaganda.
But, this post is outrageous in its twist on the information.
Repeating over and over again that Kristen Olson declined the nomination is a strategy of the clique to confuse the issue.
Kristen Olson does want to serve on the SC and she will serve. If the NC is fair, and let's Kristen serve because SHE WON at Tulsa.
But, so many people are confused into thinking that Kristen doesn't want to be on the SC. That is not true. That is spin designed to make the people in the middle who like Kristen give up on her.
Also, it is hilarious to suggest that people should DEMAND that their delegates vote on this issue.
I want, I implore, I DEMAND that my national reps BOYCOTT THIS BOGUS ELECTION.
My goodness. If you are innocent, Gregg, you sure got duped big time.
Kay sera.
Free the CA/FL/PA/NY proposal, so that Kristen can serve FAIRLY AS SHE DESERVES on the Steering Committee.
(And, I will even say, let the Michigan proposal go to the voting queu IN ADDITION so the NC has a choice of ways to seat Kristen. Just like the NC had 4 or 5 choices about how to let Maya O'Conor continue to serve on the Steering Committee, even though decisions from her state demoted her to alternate and made her ineligible to serve on the SC. Amazingly, the SC allowed 4 or 5 conflicting and unclear proposals on the queu at the same time, when it was to support their friend Maya.
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I try to believe that you are sincere, and not consciously set up by the clique that controls are party to help them disseminate propaganda.
But, this post is outrageous in its twist on the information.
Repeating over and over again that Kristen Olson declined the nomination is a strategy of the clique to confuse the issue.
Kristen Olson does want to serve on the SC and she will serve. If the NC is fair, and let's Kristen serve because SHE WON at Tulsa.
But, so many people are confused into thinking that Kristen doesn't want to be on the SC. That is not true. That is spin designed to make the people in the middle who like Kristen give up on her.
Also, it is hilarious to suggest that people should DEMAND that their delegates vote on this issue.
I want, I implore, I DEMAND that my national reps BOYCOTT THIS BOGUS ELECTION.
My goodness. If you are innocent, Gregg, you sure got duped big time.
Kay sera.
Free the CA/FL/PA/NY proposal, so that Kristen can serve FAIRLY AS SHE DESERVES on the Steering Committee.
(And, I will even say, let the Michigan proposal go to the voting queu IN ADDITION so the NC has a choice of ways to seat Kristen. Just like the NC had 4 or 5 choices about how to let Maya O'Conor continue to serve on the Steering Committee, even though decisions from her state demoted her to alternate and made her ineligible to serve on the SC. Amazingly, the SC allowed 4 or 5 conflicting and unclear proposals on the queu at the same time, when it was to support their friend Maya.
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