Sunday, June 18, 2006

Rae Vogeler addresses Iraq war dead

In a statement posted at the National Green Party website, Senatorial candidate from Wisconsin Rae Vogeler shares her position as we move past 2500 war dead so far. The full text is behind the "Read more!" link...
Statement by Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate Rae Vogeler on 2500th U.S. Casualty in Iraq

Wisconsin Green Party

Rae Vogeler for US Senate

Marc Sanson: Campaign Manager, 608-204-7336,
Rae Vogeler: 608-695-2695 or 608-237-1337,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Statement by Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate Rae Vogeler on 2500th U.S. Casualty in Iraq

MADISON, WI. - Rae Vogeler, candidate for U.S. Senate has released the following statement in response to the 2500th U.S. casualty in Iraq:

"It is with great sadness that I respond today to the Pentagon announcement of the death of the 2500th U.S. soldier in Iraq. Both the Pentagon and the Bush Administration stated that it is 'just a number.' I cannot accept that. As a mother and as an American, I believe it is important to point out that these 2500 individuals who laid down their lives in service to their country deserve better than to be reduced to a simple statistic.

"Despite all signs that we are failing in Iraq, this ill-conceived war continues with no end in sight. On an average day, two U.S. service persons are killed. Sixty-four soldiers die each month. Tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have lost their lives, a trend that continues to escalate. How long will we allow this destruction to continue?

"It is encouraging that the sentiment in Congress is finally changing toward Iraq, but it has lagged behind opinion polls. In February of 2006, a Zogby International survey reported that 72 percent of American troops serving in Iraq called for exiting the country this year, and more than one in four troops said we should leave immediately. There is federal legislation put forth to 'redeploy' troops to other bases in the region, as Congressman Murtha has proposed, and Senator Kerry's 'non-binding' resolutions to bring the troops home sooner rather than later. Although a good start, they do not go far enough. It is time to end the bloodshed, and return our soldiers to their homes and families. We must stop building bases in Iraq and leave so that Iraqis can run their own economy and government. That is what freedom and democracy is all about.

"Let's bring our troops home now and redirect the billions being spent weekly in Iraq to much needed jobs, education and health care programs here at home. Rather than spending $100,000 a minute in Iraq to wage war, let's spend it here to sustain life. On the eve of Father's Day, we must give fathers all over this country and Iraq the good news that they and their families will no longer be put in harms way.

"We must not let the 2500th death of a U.S. service person become a statistic - let it be a wake up call to bring our troops back home where they belong."

Rae Vogeler for U.S. Senate,
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Rae said it right - it's what we all want. Too bad our Sen Kohl won't stand up to bring out troops home.
I’m so glad you are supporting Rae. She’s an amazing person! I’m actually interning for her and trying to coordinate all wisconsin school campuses to spread the word. I would love it if you could post the Students4Vogeler blog on your site to promote Rae. Thanks!
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