Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Be SURE your state gets their correct share of delegates

With the Green National Committee limited to 200 members, each state has been asked to provide information to the Apportionment Committee. (App Com) The questions they need answers to are hiding behind the "Read more!" link. Contact your state leadership and ask them if they have filled this out and sent it in. If your state does not submit numbers, the committee will make their best estimate as I understand it. Anyway, the survey is behind the "Read more!" link...
Apportionment Standing Committee, GPUS

Unless otherwise noted, please report all of the following figures for your state as of April 24, 2007 or as close to that date as possible. For the District of Columbia,
substitute "district" wherever the word "state" appears.

The information you provide below will be used to determine the number of voting delegates your state party will be entitled to send to the GPUS National Committee (NC) for the current two-year election cycle. For a complete discussion of the way this number is calculated, and how it is affected by the data you supply, please refer to the original text of the rules contained in GNC Proposal 272, approved April 16, 2007 and available on line at gp.org/cgi-bin/vote/propdetail?pid=272.

The Apportionment Standing Committee initially assumes that each state party wishes to have the maximum number of seats to which it is properly entitled. However, be aware that under the provisions of these rules, a state party may exercise certain options to change the way its score is calculated, which could reduce the number of seats to which it is entitled. For details, please refer to the original text of the proposal, cited above. If, for any reason, your state party wishes to exercise any of these available option(s) please make a clear notation to that effect next to the applicable data on this return, attaching additional explanatory notes as appropriate.

Unless your state party explicitly elects otherwise, your apportionment will be calculated so as to give your state the greatest number of NC delegate seats consistent with the data.

States with Green Party registration must report registration numbers. Solely for the purposes of standardizing membership figures among the states, do not report any persons who have voted in a primary election of another political party, unless they have subsequently reaffirmed their Green Party affiliation. (This may be handled on the honor system. The state party is free to count its own membership however it wants for other purposes.) Count only those people whom you can identify as
qualified current active members. Do not substitute estimates, calculations, extrapolations, or mailing lists for official state records or membership rolls. Signers of ballot access petitions may be considered members of the Green Party if the signers willingly join the Green Party simultaneously or if signing the petition constitutes acceptance of membership in the Green Party according to state law.If recent legal action has resulted in your membership figures being legally invalidated, you may continue to report the last valid figure for the remainder of this election cycle.

1. Does your state allow voters officially to register an affiliation with the Green Party? (If "No", skip to line 4.)
2. What is the number of such registered Green Party voters in your state?
3. How many additional people, legally ineligible to vote, are officially recognized as members of your state party?
" Skip to line 5.
4. How many people appear on the legal membership rolls of your state party?

Report elected officials and candidates who are Green Party members, even for "non-partisan" elections, but do not report, even if Green Party members, those who appear solely on Democratic or Republican party ballot lines. Count only elected public offices, not internal party offices or committee memberships. Count local as well as state-wide elections.

5. How many Greens currently hold elected public office in your state?
6. How many Green candidates appeared on the ballot for elections in 2003?
7. How many Green candidates appeared on the ballot for elections in 2004?
8. How many Green candidates appeared on the ballot for elections in 2005?
9. How many Green candidates appeared on the ballot for elections in 2006?
10. Of all the candidates listed in lines 6 - 10 how many participated in elections where the total voter turnout was less than 300 voters?
11. What is your state's total population?

Use the same reporting criteria as the previous section. For any candidates who appeared on more than one party's ballot line, count only those votes received on the
Green Party ballot line.

12. How many votes were received by local Green Party candidates in 2003?
13. How many votes were received by local Green Party candidates in 2004?
14. How many votes were received by local Green Party candidates in 2005?
15. How many votes were received by local Green Party candidates in 2006?
16. How many votes were received by statewide Green Party candidates in 2003?
17. How many votes were received by statewide Green Party candidates in 2004?
18. How many votes were received by statewide Green Party candidates in 2005?
19. How many votes were received by statewide Green Party candidates in 2006?
20. Over the same four-year time frame, what was the highest number of votes received by any single statewide partisan Green candidate?

Note: For the following question, consider only candidates running for "statewide" office, viz. Governor, Lt. Governor, U.S. Senator, Mayor of the District of Columbia, or Chair of the City Council of the District of Columbia. Consider only "partisan" elections, i.e., those that were contested by the Democratic and Republican parties.

21. Over the same four-year time frame, what was the highest percentage share of the total vote achieved by any statewide partisan Green candidate?

18. How many votes were received in your state by the Green presidential candidate (Ralph Nader) in 2000?
19. How many votes were received in your state by the Green presidential candidate (David Cobb) in 2004?

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