Monday, April 16, 2007

Stayed up too long

The computer just clicked over and shut down the vote, leaving the numbers as in the below post, along with the word ADOPTED.

Therefore, either the abstentions are not counted in the percentages, or the results were rounded up. Either way, apparently, according to some on the National Committee mailing list, someone who was not qualified to vote, an observer, did vote NO, and a delegate who could not get the onlive voting system to work for him recorded his YES vote by sending it to the national committee mailing list, so...

I think it's safe to say that the Green Party has adopted a new Delegate Allocation system, and the Green National Committee will be expanding in size.

While I am doubtful of all things requiring new clothes, perhaps we actually will get a better Green Party National Committee out of this.

Time will tell.
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