Monday, February 12, 2007

Delegate Allocation Committee proposal goes down in defeat

The final vote was 69 "Yes", 38 "No" and 2 "Abstain". Because of the super-majority required the proposal fails. If the abstentions are included in the vote, taking the 69 "yes" votes and dividing them by the total of no and yes votes renders a 63% result. If you deduct the abstentions and recalculate, the result is 64% support, again not enough to pass.

Georgia has offered to present the same proposal, minus the proxy provision, immediately.

The delegate vote, state by state, representative by representative, is hiding behind the "Read more! link below.

Votes Received
Delegation Vote Voter
Alabama No Rob Collins
Arizona No Claudia Ellquist
Arizona No Andrew Spencer
Arkansas Yes Donna Werley
Arkansas Yes Anita Wessling
Black Caucus No Rick Tingling-Clemmons
California Yes Leslie Bonett
California Yes Budd Dickinson
California Yes Marilyn Ditmanson
California Yes Sanda Everette
California Yes Forrest Hill
California Yes Fred Hosea
California Yes Greg Jan
California Yes Susan King
California Yes Jared Laiti
California Yes Steve Loebs
California Yes Kent Mesplay
California Yes David Silva
California Yes Cat Woods
Colorado Yes Dave Chandler
Colorado Yes Bruce Meyer
Connecticut Yes Tim McKee
Connecticut Yes Charlie Pillsbury
Delaware Yes Roger Horowitz
Delaware Yes David McCorquodale
District of Columbia Yes David Bosserman
District of Columbia Yes Jenefer Ellingston
Florida No Julia Aires
Florida Yes Henry Lawrence III
Florida Yes Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks
Florida Yes Sarah echo Steiner
Georgia No Hugh Esco
Georgia No Nannette Garrett
Hawaii Yes Julie Jacobson
Hawaii Yes Claire Mortimer
Idaho Yes Robert McMinn
Illinois Yes Michael Drennan
Illinois Yes Phil Huckelberry
Illinois Yes Dave Sacks
Illinois Abstain Marc Sanson
Illinois Yes Alicia Snyder
Indiana No Sarah Dillon
Indiana No Jeff Sutter
Iowa No Daryl Northrop
Iowa No Larry Orr
Kansas No Paul Krumm
Lavender Caucus Yes David Strand
Louisiana Yes Jason Jones
Maine No Jacqui Deveneau
Maryland Yes Karen Jennings
Maryland Yes Steve Kramer
Massachusetts Yes Jamie McLaughlin
Massachusetts Yes Elie Yarden
Michigan No Linda Manning Myatt
Michigan Yes Louis Novak
Michigan Yes Karen Shelley
Michigan Yes Fred Vitale
Minnesota Yes Eric Makela
Minnesota Yes Bill Oldfather
Missouri No Dee Berry
Missouri No Ben Kjelshus
Nevada Yes Paul Etxeberri
Nevada Yes Paul Steven Juntunen
New Jersey Yes Elizabeth Arnone
New Jersey Yes Mike Spector
New Mexico Yes Francine Cronshaw
New Mexico Yes Mato Ska
New York Yes Howie Hawkins
New York Yes Sally Kim
New York Yes Doug McComb
New York No Jason Nabewaniec
New York Yes Rebecca Rotzler
New York Yes Roger Snyder
New York No J. Rebecca White
North Carolina No Elena Everett
North Carolina No Jan Martell
Ohio Yes Paul Dumochelle
Ohio No Gwen Marshall
Ohio No Logan Martinez
Ohio No Kimberly Wise
Oklahoma No Joni LeViness
Oklahoma Yes Huti Reynolds
Oregon Yes Marnie Glickman
Oregon Yes Paul Loney
Pennsylvania Yes Traci Confer
Pennsylvania Abstain Skip Mendler
Pennsylvania Yes Marakay Rogers
Pennsylvania No Diane White
Rhode Island Yes James DeBoer
Rhode Island Yes Greg Gerritt
Tennessee No John Miglietta
Tennessee No Howard Switzer
Texas No Esther Choi
Texas No Earl Gerhard
Texas No Bill Holloway
Texas No Keith Lyons
Texas No Alfred Molison
Texas No Christine Morshedi
Texas No Douglas Reber
Texas No George Reiter
Vermont Yes Craig Hill
Vermont Yes Bruce Marshall
Virginia No Audrey Clement
Virginia No Christopher Fink
Washington Yes Aram Falsafi
Washington Yes Mike Gillis
Wisconsin Yes Jill Bussiere
Wisconsin Yes Jeff Peterson
Women's Caucus No Julia Willebrand

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