Tuesday, May 23, 2006

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The BBC reports that two separate scientific studies have concluded that estimates of the impact of CO² are greater than predicted. In fact, dramatically different. Up to 75% higher temperature increases than earlier predicted. Take a look at the piece. If we Greens are not effective in moving our agenda forward the entire globe and much of life is at risk. We must find the right combination of message and messenger so we can be an effective agent of change. Nothing behind the "Read more!" link on this one folks.
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It's been estimated that we have only ten years to change things enough to avoid major flooding, storms, mass extinctions (beyond what is already happening), and starvation on a global scale. It's not just the Greens who have to recognize that we are digging our own grave, it's the mentality of consumption. Frugality used to be seen as a virtue in this country. Now it's confounded with stinginess, and wastefulness is somehow "cool". Personally, I look at a Hummer, and I think, "What kind of an idiot dweeb is driving THAT ugly hunk of junk?"
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