Monday, March 27, 2006

Stop the presses!

OK, so there are no presses per-se, but the point is, I have news you might not have heard from Fox and Friends.

Teasers here, and the full report is behind the "Read more!" link.

First off, Owen Broadhurst is running for State Rep. from MA, and he has a housing plan for you to look at.

Meanwhile, down in Florida, an anarchist is making hay in the Mayoral race with local Green Party assistance in Lake Worth, FL.

Aaron Dixon, of WA is running for Maria Cantwell's US Senate seat, and is covered by the Spokesman Review.

Finally, a bit of voice to rest your eyes. An interview with Ben Manski, former co-chair of the USGP.

All the details are behind the "Read more!" link...

Owen Broadhurst is an active and engaged Green. With strong opinions and a willingness to be the "outsider", even inside the Greens, Owen is giving this race his all, as you can see when you read the article here

Aaron Dixon also has a long history of advocacy, sometimes for unpopular causes. The run he is conducting as a Green is at least partly focused on stopping the War on Iraq, something that Cantwell doesn't support. The piece on Dixon can be found right here (It didn't open up for me. Hopefully it works now.)

Ben Manski is a former member of the national Steering Committee and a former co-chair of the party. He is interviewed along with a fellow from Common Cause. The link is right here.

And finally, Green Party member and anarchist Cara Jennings shows her stuff as she takes on the "powers that be" with the same passion we saw carry Matt Gonzalez almost all the way to victory.

Demopublicans be damned! The Green Party ain't stopping until we reach real victory...a safe, sane and sustainable world! Nothing short of that can be called a victory.
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Howdy. As a lapsed Green (I've been working with labor for the last year or so) I have been waiting for a real candidate to get behind. Sadly, the labor organization I belong to, America in Solidarity, is presently headed by a guy that really wants us to help deliver Pierce County to Maria Cantwell. I've tried to explain to him that Dixon or Wilson would be a much better choice, but so far I haven't got through. I'd really like it if labor folks would just abandon the DP altogether, but it looks like we've got a ways to go yet.
"Owen Broadhurst is an active and engaged Green. With strong opinions and a willingness to be the "outsider", even inside the Greens, Owen is giving this race his all..."

I take this as high praise, and am flattered. I thank you.

Stay tuned to for my next press release - a program for disability rights and access.
The Commonwealth (like quite probably most states) remains, I believe, in clear violation of Olmstead, and I'm going to hammer this message home.

Owen R. Broadhurst
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