Wednesday, March 22, 2006

An opportunity to serve your party

Of course, any of us can drop a few dollars into the pot, and that is very important. That said, maybe you are the right person to really help the party with a time commitment.

What I am talking about is a little used, but very powerful tool that you may be able to pick up and put to good purposes. It's called Greensweek and it's supposed to be published...well, weekly.

The latest version, available by Clicking Here was published last year just after the elections.

There's nothing behind the "Read more!" link, so don't bother, but do think about serving as editor of Greensweek. If you have time to give, and many unemployed, underemployed, retired or disabled Greens may fit that bill, then I can't think of a better way to give than as editor of Greensweek. I hope you'll contact Scott McClarty or drop an email to Starlene Rankin and volunteer to run the show. We all would benefit if you did this.
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