Monday, February 18, 2008

Arizona Greens fight for ballot access

Last night I got a call from Greg Jan, a member of the Green National Committee from California. He called to ask me to consider making a small donation to the Arizona Green Party's ballot access drive.

With only a few weeks left to get the signatures needed to get ballot access, the Arizona Green Party is pulling out all the stops. Not content to let their efforts fall short, the AZ Greens are reaching out to their fellow Greens across the nation for small donations to wrap up the ballot access drive successfully.

Why should this matter to you if you don't live in Arizona? Well, just as an injustice to one is an injustice to all, a success by one is a success for all. Greens scoring any sort of win anywhere gives me at least a tiny boost. For that I am grateful.

So...what to do? Well, the best thing to do, if you can afford to do so, is donate a few dollars here.

Of course, if you can give thousands, please do so. :-)
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