Saturday, August 05, 2006

Utah again

Well, maybe I should just shut up. The National Women's Caucus cointinues to refuse to discuss their inexcusable exclusion of Steffie Loveless, the Black Cazucus is totally irrelevant and inactive, and Utah seems like quicksand.

Well, maybe if we ignore our problems they will go away?

If you're not the "ignore it" sort, maybe a couple of messages, one from Jo Chamberlain of CA and one from Tom King of Utah.

I "know" Dee of Dee's Dotes, as I assume most of you do. As far as I can tell, she and her cohorts in the Desert Greens *are* the legitimate Green Party in Utah. That is the point of the communication hiding behind the "Read more!" link...

Jo Chamberlain joc at
Sat Aug 5 12:13:34 EDT 2006

Dean, Jared and All,

The GPUT is the affiliated Green Party I visited as a member of the Steering Committee prior to the 2004 switch to the now named Desert Greens.

I agree that a thorough historic review of the Utah affiliate is in order. But that review must go back to when GPUT originally affiliated which is well before 2004.

I believe that it will be discovered that the GPUT is the original affiliate GP (and should still be) and current affiliate Desert Greens was formed by Cobb supporters who manipulated their splinter group into the position of GPUS affiliate through the Cobb supporters on the AC and GPUS staff. This was done without approval of the NC.

If I can provide supporting testimony and experience please let me know.

Dear NC,
Although the "supporting testimony and experience" which Jo Chamberlain has offered consists entirely of regurgitation of mis-information she has obtained as hearsay from elements of the Anti-GPUS splinter group that now claims to be the "rightful" GPUT, and although Ms. Chamerlain has NOT ONCE attmpted to hear the other side of the story, I am glad she brought up the fact that she attended our Statewide Convention in 2003.

The Statewide Convention which Ms. Chamberlain visited was when the 7 Elected Officer positions of our party were elected.

The results as I am sure Ms. Chamberlain recalls (and if she doesn't then I can provide copies of the results that were Date Stamped by the Utah Elections office) were as follows:

Male Co-Coordinator = Jerry Parsons (Also selected as State Liaison as per our
Female Co-Coordinator = Deanna Taylor
Secretary = Raphael Cordray
Treasurer = Michael Summa
Local Liaison = Patrick Diehl
GPUS Delegates = Annette Rose and Patrick Beecroft

Now, anyone familiar with the bylaws of the GPUT will know that the Secretary of the Party is responsible for maintaining records of Membership, Meeting Minutes, Decisions Made by the GPUT CC etc. Also, for those who have read the GPUT bylaws and understand the responsibilities of the State Liaison to include complying with the Utah Elections Law by notifying the Elections Office within 7 days of any change of officers. Herein is the first example of Jerry Parson's (Former Co-Coordinator and State Liaison) failure to fulfill his responsibilities, since the first time he filed anything with the elections office reflecting changes was in 2004, even though later in 2003 Annette Rose resigned as GPUS Delegate. As has been the customary practice with the GPUT CC when there is a resignation, and in accordance with the Bylaws, at the CC meeting after Annette resigned, the GPUT CC accepted her resignation and appointed a replacement (again, as per our bylaws), then in early 2004, Michael Summa resigned as Treasurer. And, again following our customary practice and in conformance with our bylaws at the next GPUT CC meeting, after asking him to reconsider, the CC accepted his resignation and appointed a replacement treasurer. The replacement for Annette Rose was Linda Parsons as Delegate, and for Michael Summa, the replacement Treasurer was Jon Roesler. All of this is thouroughly documented (except it didn't get reported to the elections office, since Mr. Parsons was derelict in his duties) in the official minutes of the respective CC Meetings. Copies of these minutes are
maintainted by our Secretary.

Please note that the Secretary who maintains our official records is the same individual who Ms. Chamberlain witnessed winning the election to that office when she visited our 2003 Statewide Convention; Rahpael Cordray.

Also our Local Liaison remained Patrick Diehl and our Female Co-Coordinator remained Deanna Taylor.

I am aware that the Anti-GPUS splinter group now operating as a Registered Political Party in Utah under our former Registered name claims that Deanna Taylor (Co-Coordinator) and Jon Roesler (Treasurer replacement for M. Summa)resigned. In fact neither of them had their resignations accepted by the GPUT CC, and both of them rescinded their resignations before the next regular CC meeting, at which as has been our customary practice we would have first asked them to reconsider (except they had already rescinded the resignation) and therefore they both retained their positions in accordance with GPUT bylaws and custom. No replacements have been required except for Treasurer, which Jon Roesler did finally resign from in late November 2004. This time when he resigned, he did not rescind, we asked him to reconsider, then a replacement was appointed by the GPUT Coordinating Council.

For those not familiar with the Bylaws of the GPUT, the Coordinating Council of the GPUT is composed of the 7 elected officer positions listed above along with representatives (up to 2) from each Local.

At the time of the splinter group going against the rest of the GPUT Membership and taking actions that violated our bylaws (refusing to certify our Presidential Candidate) the division within the CC amounted to the following.

4 out of the 7 Elected Officers wanted Cobb on the ballot. Three of these Jo Chamberlain witnessed being elected. 2 out of the 7 Elected Officers DID NOT want Cobb on the Ballot and took actions (since one of these two Jerry Parsons, our State Liaison) to prevent him from being on the balot.

1 out of the 7 Elected Officers refused to take a position either way, this was Patrick Beecroft who stopped attending meetings after August 2004, and was replaced about 6 months later after no participation as Delegate to GPUS, and no participation with his Local or at the CC meetings.

Out of the 7 Locals that were active at the time of the split, 5 of them were unanimous in thir support for having Cobb on the Ballot. The other two, which the members of the Splinter Group were part of were divided (about half and half, those who hated Cobb, and those who wanted him on the ballot)

So, I find it ludicrous to have people now claiming that the small majority as outlined above were somehow the "legitimate" part of the Party. Especially since many of those making such claims are vocal advocates of Democratic process.

As you can see from the above breakdown of how many were on each side of the disagreement, the vast majority of the Members of the GPU at the time wanted Cobb on the Ballot. It was a small minority (which unfortunately for Utah Voters, the GPUS and the majority of our party included Jerry Parsons as state Liaison) that were adamantly opposed to supporting Cobb as per the affiliation agreement by certifying him to the Elections Office.

I really can't understand how Ms Chamberlain, Delegate Woods, Delegate Laiti and a few others can be so adamant in their support of this small splinter group that betrayed not only the Majority of the Members of the GPUT, but also betrayed all Utah Voters by limiting the number of choices on the ballot, and also betrayed the GPUS by taking actions in violation of the Affiliation Agreement. I also can't fathom how they can pretend to have the "actual story" when the only input they have had has come from Linda Parsons, Jerry Parsons, Bob Brister, Diana Hirschi and Whitney Zack (and a couple of other people who had not met the Membership Requirements defined by the GPUT bylaws and therefore really didn't have a say in any GPUT matters at the time since they were not members). I am not aware of ANY ATTEMPT being made by Ms.
Chamberlain, Delegate Woods or Delegate Laiti to obtain information or documentation from the GPUT which continued to function throughout the split, continued to conduct coordinating council meetings with a quorum of the CC, and which took remedial action against Linda Parsons, Jerry Parsons and Diana Hirschi by suspending them from participation in GPUT activities for 1 year.

This suspension was decided upon as the result of Formal Grievances filed in accordance with our Bylaws by our Local Liaison (the one Ms. Chamberlain witnessed being elected) Patrick Diehl.

At any rate, the statements I have made above can be substantiated in a number of independant ways, one of which is by refering to the records of decisions and meeting minutes kept by our Secretary (in accordance with our bylaws).

One thing I should remind everyone of is that Jerry Parsons was recalled in an Emergencey Statewide Convention, which everyone was invited to take part in (including the Anti GPUS minority) and which was conducted with an email ballot along with a Signed Paper ballot. 33 of the 48 members (those who had met the requirements for membership defined by the bylaws) participated. 5 of those who refused to participate were those AntiCobb, anti GPUS individuals listed above). The result of this ballot was the recall and replacement of Jerry Parsons as both Male Co-Coordinator and as State Liaison. Actual copies of the membership records, the SIGNED paper ballots from that statewide Convention of the Membership and other documents are available on request.

Also, we will be publishing them all on the web as time permits (within the next couple of weeks).

Again, it is mind boggling that Ms. Chamberlain would continue to regurgitate a one sided mis-representation of what occured here in Utah and who the "real" affiliated party is, without making even a token effort to HONESTLY evaluate ALL of the testimony and evidence from BOTH SIDES.

The link pasted above is to a "Snap-Shot" of a page from the GPUT website in September of 2004. There are links to some of the supporting documentation including the Grievances, the Statewide Convention Ballot and Results and more. I urge all objective and HONEST parties who would like a balanced perspective on this issue to review those web archives, as well as to become familiar with the Bylaws of our Utah Party.

I join with others who have stated that they want a resolution to this dispute, and look forward to having those who are interested review all of the testimony and documentation on both sides of the issue.

Tom King
Delegate, GPUT (currently registered as the Utah Political Party "Desert Greens" but still the affiliated Green Party of Utah.
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