Saturday, July 22, 2006

Wanna be a Big Wig?

The Green National Committee (GNC) is in the process of choosing a Senatorial Campaign Committee (SCC). The committee, authorized by the GNC, is supposed to assist the various US Senate campaigns. A similar committee has been established for House races.

There are seven seats available on the SCC, and only six candidates. Dave Jette has had his name put forward as a write-in for the last seat, and two GNC members have voted for him. He may well be the perfect candidate for the last seat, but if you have the time and inclination to serve in this role, why not let the GNC know that you are interested in serving, and maybe you can get three write-in votes. *smile*

If you're interested, but don't know how to proceed, drop me a note and I'll try to hook you up with someone who can help.
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