Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Perhaps some clarity now on the NWC

I have asked and so have others for information from the National Women's Caucus, and from the Accreditation Committee about the hows of accreditation of the NWC, as well as about the Stephanie Loveless issue. I just spotted this from Holly Hart, former campaign leader in the Cobb campaign and leader in the NWC and of course, elsewhere, including her responsibilities as Secretary.

I am posting it here immediately and unedited. Assuming that there is anyone looking right this moment, the text will be all messed up. Sorry. I want this out there yesterday. I may have an apology to make. For now, here it is raw. Then I will clean it up and re-post it. Nothing behind the "Read more!" link this time.

***Please Note***
I have now "cleaned up" the piece, so it's pretty much all together, and hopefully easier to read.

And no, I have decided I owe no apology. This is a perfect example of the arrogance exhibited by the NWC all during this process.


Quoting Roger Snyder :


> The AC has not received a statement from the NWC CC.

Perhaps the AC missed it. That would explain why the NWC never received a response. Here it is again, below.

Holly Hart
GPUS-NC Delegate, NWC
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 21:36:01 -0800 (PST)
From: "Morgen D'Arc"
Subject: AC meeting
To: "Roger Snyder" , "Brent White"

CC: "Holly Hart" , "Sanda Everette"
, "Nan Garrett" , "Morgen
D'Arc" , "Katey Culver"
, "Maya O'Connor"

November 11, 2005

TO: Accreditation Committee Co-Chairs Roger Snyder and Brent White



The NWC has learned that the AC has written a report to recommend to the GPUS NC disaffiliation of the NWC. The report contains many serious errors about the basic conditions concerning the accreditation of the NWC as well as defamatory language about the NWC'’s work. Any accreditation process must be built on accurate facts. It is extraordinary that the Accreditation Committee would publish a report urging disaffiliation of the National Women'’s Caucus which represents the largest historically oppressed and underrepresented population in the world,– a population necessary to the GPUS for its continued development as a political party. We reject this report because it is filled with misleading and untrue statements. We request that an investigation of the AC be undertaken to determine what process was followed to produce this egregious report and why a GPUS committee chartered by the NC to facilitate the accreditation and well being of a caucus went so far astray from its
required task.

The following facts are relevant:

1) The NWC has complied with its obligation to the GPUS NC to the letter of the requirements originally requested by the AC on August 23, 2004, and set forth in the proposal for NWC accreditation adopted by the NC November 21, 2004. THE NWC BYLAWS AND RULES AMENDMENTS WERE ADOPTED NOVEMBER 6, 2005 BY A VOTE OF THE NWC MEMBERSHIP.

2) The AC has demanded things of the NWC that the NWC has already done, a pattern since September 2004. They have attempted to alter the accreditation requirements for the NWC after the fact. They did this without basis, without authority and without a vote of the NC to amend the adopted NWC accreditation proposal, and without notifying the NWC. As a result, at a meeting of the GPUS SC where both the AC and NWC were present to resolve this problem, on March 11, 2005, the SC declared that the AC was to have nothing more to do with the NWC bylaws and rules amendment process, the NWC bylaws and rules or the NWC itself.

3) The AC did not comply with the SC decision, but ceased all direct communication with the NWC in this matter, thereby limiting themselves and their information to rumor and innuendo.

4) Instead, the AC increased its interference in NWC matters, choosing a more indirect route by writing their disaffiliation report while seeking no direct information from the NWC itself. In addition, they involved themselves with things that were not the jurisdiction of the AC. In relation to the NWC, they ignored their own rules - such as they were since their own P & P were not adopted by this body until October 2005 - issuing vague and inconsistent new requirements, and erroneously referring to the NWC as 'provisionally' accredited. They refused to recognize the authority of the NC which had fully accredited the NWC by adopting the AC'’s own
proposal for "full accreditation" of the NWC on November 21, 2004.

5) The NWC has produced and sent to the AC many documents with full facts, information and substantiation. The AC has refused to utilize the material we worked hard to develop and provide at their request. All requirements of NWC accreditation have been addressed repeatedly, completely and conclusively by the NWC. We are not going to keep responding to the same requests by the AC over and over, when we had already proven complaints wrong, provided documentation and corrected their same mistakes and false information.

6) The AC has repeatedly re-opened requirements, added requirements and demands after the NWC had already fully complied.

7) The AC has maligned NWC work, refused to accept correction and at all times continued to perpetrate wrong information about the NWC while disseminating disparaging speculation about the NWC and its officers.

8) The AC appears unaware of the accomplishments and the value that the NWC brings to the GPUS.

9) The AC co-chairs have a conflict of interest. They are both opposed to identity caucuses in the GPUS in general and have stated their opposition of NWC accreditation in specific. Both are men judging an organization of and for women. The NWC has a right to be judged by peers. Other AC members also have conflicts of interest.

10) The AC provided no expert advice and refused to acknowledge advice from experts consulted by the NWC CC. Initially, prior to September 2004, the AC offered good counsel. With several changeovers in leadership and membership, the AC disregarded its own decisions, allowed two members who lacked necessary competency (as required by their charter) to self-appoint to oversee completion of the bylaws and rules amendment work, with no accountability to the AC, NWC or GPUS; who did not acknowledge the original requirements or accreditation proposal approved by the GPUS NC; and who attempted to dictate to the NWC the entire terms of our affiliation, after we had been affiliated by the GPUS NC.

When the NWC came to the GPUS to apply for accreditation to be affiliated with the Green Party of the United States, we did so with complete belief that we would be working together in an atmosphere of mutual collaboration, respect and support to build the Green Party for women. The NWC has accomplished many things that have done just that. A partial listing is copied below. Imagine our surprise, disappointment and outrage to be harassed by the AC, demeaned, disparaged, extremely disrespected and required again and again to do long tedious work that had already been done.

The AC has become a place where people opposed to identity caucuses and people with special interests against the NWC and women have gathered. They are engaged in disabling the efforts of the larger party, including the creation of the NWC, which serves as a beacon to correct the imbalance of male domination and privilege in the party and the country at large.

The NWC CC denounces the actions of the AC to disaffiliate the NWC.

The NWC CC does not believe that the affiliation agreement is a one-way contract or that the AC or GPUS are the only parties to the agreement that can make demands. The NWC and the NWC CC demand and are entitled to respect and support as an absolute
baseline requirement for the NWC part to this affiliation.

We come to the table to experience that reality. We do not come to the table to be disaffiliated for no cause.

For a bright Green future for all Women.

The Coordinating Committee
National Women'’s Caucus
Green Party of the United States:

Morgen D'Arc, Co-Founder Co-Chair
Holly Hart, Delegate to the GPUS NC
Sanda Everette, Treasurer, delegate International Committee
Nannette Garrett, Spokesperson, Media Committee
Katey Culver, Voting & Elections Committee
Maya O'’Connor, Voting & Elections Committee



ACCOMPLISHMENTS: July 2002 – November 2005

On November 21, 2004 the National Women'’s Caucus was fully accredited by a vote of the Green Party of the United States National Committee.

It was the highest vote for any caucus and the second highest vote for any proposal in 2004.

The NWC has helped the GPUS raise money: June 2005 - The NWC provided content, signed and helped recruit the other accredited caucuses to participate in one of the largest GPUS fundraising mailings that resulted in one of the largest net gains for a mailing
in 2005.

The NWC provides credibility for the GPUS in news releases pertaining to issues of women. The NWC has consistently provided the GPUS media coordinators with women for news release quotes. Previous to the NWC, GPUS news releases were dominated by quotes by men.

A few news releases about the NWC or with quotes by members of the NWC:

October 26, 2005 - Greens Pay Tribute to Rosa Parks

March 7, 2005 - Greens Mark International Women's Day, March 08.

January 3, 2005 - Greens Replace Dems as Party for Abortion Rights.

November 23, 2004 - Green Party Accredits Women's Caucus

June 18, 2004 - Medea Benjamin to be a Keynote Speaker at the 2004 Green National Convention.

April 21, 2004 - Greens to Participate in April 25 March for Women's Lives in D.C.

February 25, 2003 - Calling for the Protection of the Home in Our Homeland, Greens Cite an Alarming Increase of Violence Against Women.


1) 150 verified members from 28 states -– November 7, 2004.

1.a) Established a sound process for verifying applicants for membership.

2) Spring 2004: Established a Voting and Elections Committee (VEC) to conduct all votes and elections. It includes an advisor experienced in elections and training of voting systems, processes and in consulting voting experts.

3) Elections of Officers September 15, 2004. Second elections in progress beginning September 2005.

4) Bylaws passed and adopted January 20, 2004.

5) Held four consecutive annual meetings of the NWC:
. Founding meeting, July 22, 2002 in Philadelphia.
. Second meeting, July 17, 2003, in Washington, D.C.
. Third meeting June 24, 2004 in Milwaukee.
. Fourth meeting July 21, 2005 in Tulsa.

6.a) Third Annual Meeting in Milwaukee was one of the largest convention events with Medea Benjamin as featured speaker. Washington Post and other national media coverage.

7) June 2003: NWC submission to National Platform Committee, Plank on Equal Rights Amendment, with State Party approval.

8.a) June 26, 2004: Plank on Women'’s Rights adopted in 2004 GPUS Platform. Developed and written by NWC member. The first separate substantive plank on women in GPUS platform history.

9) Green Pages article Fall 2003: announcement article.

10) Green Pages article Spring 2004.

11) Green Pages article Convention 2004 Issue.

12) Green Pages article, Fall 2004.

13) Green Pages article, Winter 2005.

Green Pages article, Fall 2005.

14) Active Listserv and participants.

15) Showed that the Caucus could deal with and weather significant assaults from the inside and the outside and handle them responsibly. Developed better processes to deal with challenges. Developed outside support from other committees. The 2003/04 SC said in a letter of support to the NWC: "“How you deal with challenges is as much an
indicator of the quality of your caucus as any achievement. We are proud of the way you handled difficult times and want to thank you for your commitment to preserving process and deliberation,"

16) Co-Sponsored, March for Women'’s Lives, Washington D.C., April 25, 2004. NWC listed on the March for Women’s national website.

16.a) March for Women linked on GPUS website frontpage to news release and NWC announcement.

16.b) GPUS news release on the March for Women had a quote from Caucus Co-founder, Morgen D'Arc as the lead quote.

16.c) GPUS March for Women news release and others posted on the Commondreams website.

17) Listed, announced and outreached on numerous state and local Green Party listservs.

18) Participation in the Diversity, Media, GPAX and International Committees

19) NWC Co-Founder and Coordinating Committee member, Morgen D'Arc invited to Speak at the Maine Green Indpendent Party Presidential Candidate Forum, February 7, 2004 on, "Women and Diversity in the Green Party."

20) Recognition and support from the GPUS Diversity Committee.

21) Recognition, appreciation and support from the GPUS Steering Committee posted to the NWC listserv February 2004.

22) The NWC is helping the Party to carry out the 2001 Santa Barbara resolution to form caucuses within the party.

23) The NWC Coordinating Committee has kept the GPUS Steering Committee informed of progress, activities and challenges.

24) Developed sound database and database process.

25) Monthly to twice monthly teleconference calls of the CC 2002-04. Weekly meetings from May 2004 through November 2005.

26) 2003-05 GPUS budgets submitted to GPUS as requested.

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