Saturday, March 04, 2006

What's good for Tunisia

Middle East Online reports that the nation of Tunisia is the latest in a growing number of nations where citizens have joined together as Greens. To learn more about our newest partners, click the "Read more!" link. The article announces the newly formed "Green Party for Progress". At first blush, these do seem to be Green folks, talking not only about environmental dangers, but about contributing to the progress of the nation in legal and respectful ways. The article goes on to say that the party will also "“struggle against all forms of natural imbalances."” The new party is already in the parliamentnt, as it's secretary general is a sitting MP.

Is there a template here? Are there not tens of thousands of elected officials in our nation who serve in non-partisan offices? How many of them believe as we do, but have never been asked to join the Green Party? How many independents have been elected to office in partisan races? I believe there are at least several independents elected to state legislatures, maybe many more than that. What about independents who win in city elections that are partisan? Have we approached these people?

Guess I'm just jealous. Many Greens have worked for 20 years or more, with no national legislative seat to show for it, while in Tunisia, the newly formed Greens are already in the mix. I congratulate them, and thank them and all other elected Greens. All the small steps taken together may save this planet afterall.
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