Thursday, March 02, 2006

A visit to the doctor.

No need to click the "Read more!" link today, because this is it pretty much it.

I went for a visit to my cardiology today to have him review the results of my last stress test. They found an ischemia(sp?), which is apparently a small beginning of a blockage in a heart artery. Heck, I'm no doctor, and may not have all the words exactly right, but essentially, the doctors want to run a catheter from my groin to my heart and have a look-see. If they find a blockage, they will do another angioplasty and install another stent.

The heart catheterization will be next Thursday in Charlotte. I have good doctors and good health insurance. I am blessed indeed. I could be in the shape in am in and be poor and living in a slum in Karachi, Mexico City, Soweto, or Ho Chi Minh City.

No matter how tough it gets, things could be worse. Or so it seems.

I will continue to do a post a day or more as I can. Today's is pretty much 100% personal. If you see this and think about it next Thursday at about 10:00 AM, send some good vibrations and prayers my way. I'd appreciate it.

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